Dubai Expo Report 2021
Climate and Biodiversity Week, 3- 9 October 2021
The Climate and Biodiversity Week was held under the theme, “Galvanising the World into action to protect our planet”, this was held just a month ahead of the United Nations vital 26th Climate Change Conference (COP 26) to be held in Glasgow, United Kingdom from 25 October to 12 November 2021. It was also a few days ahead of the Virtual 15th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biodiversity from 11-15 October 2021. The Climate and Biodiversity Week had events aiming to generate new ideas, inspire different perspectives and build a clear roadmap towards immediate action. Recognising that the world is at a crucial moment when the global community must take decisive and collective steps to protect the planet, the week provided a powerful platform for people’s voices to be heard in policy circles. Events and discussions during the Climate and Biodiversity Week were focusing on mitigating climate change, bending the curve of biodiversity loss, disaster risk management, advancing the circular economy, protecting vulnerable regions and conservation.
The Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry and its Parastatals (Environmental Management Agency (EMA), Forestry Commission and ZimParks) took advantage of the Climate and Biodiversity Week to conduct meetings with key stakeholders (from other countries), Private Sector and potential investors. The delegation was also able to attend events and meetings organised by different countries, among them India, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and Italy. Content on biodiversity and climate change initiatives in Zimbabwe and opportunities for collaboration with partners was also shared at the Zimbabwe Pavilion at the Expo Venue
Objectives of Participation
The main objective of participating at the Expo 2020 Dubai, especially the Climate and Biodiversity Week, was to share information and knowledge on climate change and resilience building; prioritised low carbon development initiatives; biodiversity conservation, forestry management initiatives; environmental management and sustainable use of wildlife resources.
The Climate and Biodiversity Week offered an opportunity to share experiences and aspirations with other participating countries, learn new technologies for effective environmental governance and engage potential investors or funders thus enhancing Zimbabwe’s capacity for enhancing environmental management.
The Climate and Biodiversity Week was also a platform to mobilise financial and technical resources for environmental management and pursuing the agenda of a circular economy in the country.
The Expo 2020 was officially opened on the 30th of September 2021 with the opening declaration made by the Emir of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Members of the Zimbabwe delegation were allocated to attend different meetings and these include:
- Climate and Biodiversity Business Forum
- Women’s World Malis: Mother Nature first defenders: Women Leading the fight to Save our Planet
- Expo Live Impact Series| Reducing Our Footprint (and the Tech that can help)
- FICCI-MoEFCC ‘India Climate Action Conference’
- From Milan to Glasgow: Energy Transition for Climate Action
- Powering up Communities with Clean Energy (and Easy Financing)
- Women’s Pavilion Programme: Stories of Sustainability from the Arab and Muslim World
- MNRE-FICCI Conference “Emerging Opportunities for Renewable Energy Sector Companies in a Global Context”
- Climate Change in the Classroom, Living room, street and Beyond
Climate and Biodiversity Business Forum | This Business Forum was a platform to highlight non-traditional business opportunities, cutting-edge technologies, and progress achieved by the UAE, participating countries and Expo Partners relevant to climate and biodiversity. The Forum was also an opportunity for Partners to have meaningful conversations that foster knowledge transfer and business opportunities in climate change and biodiversity conservation | Strike a balance between infrastructure development and biodiversity conservation in order to save the environment as well as to facilitate economic growth through environment-friendly infrastructure development. At global level, there is growth of the renewable energy sector and creation of green jobs. Diversification of energy sources is critical and not to rely on climate-dependent sources There is need to identify opportunities and develop new technologies in the climate and biodiversity sectors Promote research and innovation in the agriculture sector and reduce emissions emanating in the sector. Youth inclusion in country delegations and decision making processes is critical as the global community is pushing for leaving no one behind There is need to integrate sustainability and clean development in National Plans and Strategies Green Financing is key to achieve global climate goals, there is need for more green financing to meet goals of the Paris Agreement There is no global legal binding instrument on carbon credits and there is hope that COP 26 will address thatInnovation is driven by developments at global scale, countries should embrace development initiatives There is need to provide incentives for players who are promoting circular economies and businesses should think about new circular economy business models. Governments should also create an enabling environment for promoting circular economies through formulating necessary policies and legislationMozambique has recently been providing data on an annual basis to policy makers, decision makers and actors. It is possible in Zimbabwe to avail deforestation data regularly by leveraging on advanced modern technologies and government funding. | The country developed a renewable energy policy and there is drive to increase the share of renewable energies in the energy mix The country developed the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) which prioritised mainstreaming of biodiversity across seven sectors. The country is promoting Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) which has components of adaptation, mitigation and food security. A Climate Smart Agriculture Manual is in place and the Pfumvudza concept which is a CSA concept is also being pursued. CSA Training of Trainers have been conducted in all Government Agricultural Colleges Youths have been involved in climate programming at national and sub-national levels. Youths made their input in the enhancement of the country’s Nationally Determined Contributions and their recommendations were taken into consideration in the process. Youths are supported to attend different climate change events at national and international levels. Youths have also participated in biodiversity projects, workshops and meetings. No incentives are in place to promote circular economies but strategies are in pace to promote it. Examples of such strategies include the Low Emissions Development Strategy or the Green Growth Strategy The Government is yet to ratify the SADC Protocol on Sustainable Environmental Management which sets legal rules for promoting circular economy. The country developed the Integrated Waste Management Strategy and launched the National Clean Up programme to promote a circular economy. The deforestation rate in Zimbabwe is estimated to be 330 000 hectares per year according to a research by the Forestry Commission in 2008. Current review shows a rate of 312 000 ha/year. This is the data that is currently used in reporting, planning and policy makingThe country implements the National Tree Programme to promote conservation of forests and raise awareness on importance of forests in socioeconomic development. The Country is also developing the Forest Policy and amending the Forest Act to promote conservation and sustainable use of forests The country is developing a National Climate Change Funding Mechanism which will see support for climate change programming in the country. The resources will be from the National Treasury complemented by resources mobilised from other climate finance mechanisms. | Awareness on climate and environmentally-friendly energy alternatives and reduce use of coal in energy generation – Action by Climate Change Management Department Review the National biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to align it with the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and consider mainstreaming biodiversity in infrastructure development. – Action coordinated by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources There is need to do CSA Training of Trainers in Youth and Vocational Centers, Polytechnics and Universities. There is also need to do CSA trainings to practising farmers in all provinces and Districts – Action by Climate Change Management Department in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Higher Education Youths should be considered in national environment programmes and be included in country delegations to all environment-related conferences and events. Youths should be included in decision making processes in the environment sector – Action by Environment and Natural Resources and Climate Change Departments – Action by all Ministry Departments and Parastatals The country needs to consider creating incentives to promote circular economies. -Action by Department of Environment and Natural Resources, EMA. The country should complete the ratification of the SADC Protocol on Sustainable Environmental Management. Action by Department of Environment and Natural Resources The country needs to implement measures proposed in the Green Growth Strategy and promote a circular economy that is low carbon and climate resilient. – Action by Climate Change Management Department and partner organisations Regular review of deforestation rate Action by Forestry Commission Update survival rate of trees planted at each NTPD Action by Forestry Commission Continue with implementation of the Integrated Waste Management Strategy and the National Clean Up Programme. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, EMA, Partners Emulate the Mozambican experience and mobilise resources to provide deforestation data on an annual basis. Action by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Forestry Commission and EMA There is a need to finalise the Funding Mechanism and support climate change work in the country. In addition Climate Change Legislation should be finalised – Action by the Climate Change Management Department |
Women’s World Malis: Mother Nature first defenders: Women Leading the fight to Save our Planet | A discussion to seek ways to integrate women’s perspectives in the decision making processes on environmental issues and across various international instruments. How to ensure that financing is gender responsive? How do we recognise and promote the role of women in helping communities to mitigate the effects of and adapt to climate change and biodiversity loss? | Women are the greener gender- having a lower carbon footprint as well as leading the fight to protect biodiversity. Research shows that across the world, women on average have smaller carbon footprint than men. Women are also frontline conservators for biological diversity and traditional knowledge for nature. It is important to make a deliberate effort to uplift women and ensure increased women’s participation and leadership in environmental governance from lower levels all the way up. Gender mainstreaming so that there is equity between men and women was said to be important so that in future there will no longer need to talk of gender issues. | Women mainly form majority in forestry projects at grassroots level. But balance between household chores, raising children and project implementation make it burdensome for women Conditions that recognise the multiple roles of women so that women participate fully in environmental governance. Identify dedicated women to spearhead these activities. Give capable women a chance to participate by gender mainstreaming from an early age e.g primary education level, in work places, churches and all sorts of gatherings There are some women-led anti-poaching efforts in place, e.g., the International Ant-Poaching Foundation Akashinga project which empowers women in conservation law enforcement and bridge the gender divide. | There is need to create simple technologies to lighten burden of women especially in rural areas, have creches to free women to attend to attend to environmental activities Action by Min of Education and Min of Women Affairs, Gender, Community and Small and Medium Enterprises Gender mainstreaming in schools, work places, and other gatherings Action by Min of Education (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary), Min of Gender and all Facilitate for more initiatives that empower women in conservation. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, ZimParks and Partners |
Expo Live Impact Series| Reducing Our Footprint (and the Tech that can help) | A panel discussion looking at how simple technologies can have a large impact on mitigating the negative effects of our footprint on the planet | Technology is playing a very huge role in reducing emissions at global and national and sub-national levels The global goal is to achieve net-zero carbon emissionsThe focus should be on establishing more carbon sinks by planting more trees, etc | The Climate Change Management Department is the national focal point for Climate Technology Centre and Network which is the technology arm of the UNFCCC and various technical assistance have been commissioned. The new technical assistance is towards development of a framework for deploying and scaling up e-mobility in Zimbabwe | The country should take advantage of the technical assistance offered by CTCN and deploy different technologies in quest to attain a low carbon economy- Action by interested stakeholders, key Ministries and the Focal Point Import duty for e-vehicles should be relaxed so that we promote the e-mobility transition – Action by Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Environment as well as the private sector |
FICCI-MoEFCC ‘India Climate Action Conference’ | To share experiences on effective climate change management | NDC submissions not adequate to meet the Paris Agreement goal of 1.5oC, there is need to increase ambition The global goal is to achieve net-zero emissions through promoting climate friendly technologies such as e-mobility and sustainable transition to cleaner transport systems; making use of hydrogen in the transport sector; transition from fossil-fuel based transport system to e-mobility systemsIndia has recorded an exponential growth of wind and solar for the past 10 yearsNeed for innovation and technical planning towards renewable energy Need for clear government targets on renewable energy which stimulates private sectors Political will important in stimulating development into wind and solar energy Enhance private sector partnerships in renewable energy development Amend legal provisions so they are alive to modern issues of green energy and climate change. Need for adaptive policies in changing world Develop clear financing systems for renewables Energy transition from traditional and renewables needs to be handled carefully Energy disruption of existing traditional value chains to new ones and the need to plan for this Grid stability and reduce power disruption as renewables are integrated Consider issues of energy storage for renewables Democratize and devolve of power generation in renewable energy systems Incentives for selling power in grids Explore issues of hydrogen development and monetisation Enhance the investment climate and tax regime to stimulate renewable uptake Renewables offer greater chances of equity and job creation. Further need to promote manufacturing of equipment for renewables rather than always importing, e.g., smart meters, panels etc. | The country updated its NDC to a 40% emission reduction target below the projected business as usual by 2030. The country also developed a Long-term Low greenhouse gas emissions development strategy (LEDS) with sector-specific mitigation measures e-mobility framework is being developed with resources from Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN). it will detail entry points for the adoption of e-mobility in the country The GCF Country Programme is in place and one of the priority areas of focus is Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. There is therefore room to mobilise resources from the GCF for renewable energy project | There is need to develop an NDC Implementation Framework that will have clear timelines and responsibilities on the proposed mitigation measures. The country should also work on implementing actions proposed in the LEDS – Action by Climate Change Management Department The e-mobility framework should be finalised – Action by Ministry of Energy and Power Development and the Climate Change Management Department Formulation of bankable proposals to mobilise money for renewable energy projects and programmes – Action by interested proponents, the private sector and the Climate Change Management Department |
From Milan to Glasgow: Energy Transition for Climate Action | With the aim to build momentum on the diplomatic pathway connecting Expo 2020 Dubai, the COP-26 and the G20 Italian Presidency, the Commissioner’s General Office of Italy organised a forum focusing on how Italy and the international community are engaging to achieve a swift transition to climate neutrality and circular economies powered by green energies. Through a multilevel and multidisciplinary approach, the event aimed at engaging national and international institutions, academia, the entrepreneurial world, as well as young people, in the run-up of the COP26 in Glasgow (1-12 November) | Synergies between state and private sector actors are important in order to come up with climate solutions. The private sector is significantly contributing towards reducing the carbon footprint. There is need to strengthen technologies which can raise the levels of clean energy sources. A total jump from coal to green sources may not be sustainable but gradual reduction of carbon until technologically sound alternatives are available to completely replace carbonated sources. The youths in Italy are very active players and are questioning policies and actions on renewable energies and demand solutions to climate changeClimate and sustainable development goals should be mainstreamed in national development agendasNeed to accelerate the climate action paths as envisaged by IPCC to maintain temp under 1.5 degreeWindows of opportunity under Paris agreement in terms of energy pathways, technologies, priorities, funding and policies needed for sustainable energiesNeed to work with various agencies and development partners (alliances) on adaptive management to climate changeFull participation by all stakeholders and not only government in climate issuesChanges in market design and new contracts being made in the energy business. Biggest investment should be in renewable energyDevelop resilient system of national grid given the extreme eventsDevelop technologies to decarbonise and invest in renewable technology Replace diesel with new fuel sources intensity the decarbonisation drive in the shortest period Consider shutting down coal powered power plants and invest in new plants following the Paris Agreement. Collaboration with innovation hubs, research institutions and universities needed for instance in the area of nuclear fusion so as to reach Zero emission. Link company goals to SDG goal on climate action Digital transformation and technology needed for energy transitions Ecological transformation – environmental scars need to be managed and sustainable objectives Research and innovation in green technology required including carbon capturing | There are several private companies selling solar technology which is unaffordable to most people. There does not seem to be synnergies with state. Efforts are disjointed and working together is needed. Private sector in Zimbabwe seems to be concentrating on profit making rather than environmental benefits Currently solar is the common clean energy sources as well as gas Youths are actively participating in climate issues but the numbers are still low .Youths are interested to take part in climate issues but need capacitation and incentives Climate change has been mainstreamed in national agendas, NDCs are in place, adhere to IPCC standards and Climate Change strategy is in place. Tree planting and forest conservation initiatives are in place towards climate action The Government drive towards green energy is visible with involvement of more private players in solar projects to feed into the national grid More needs to be done to enhance the contribution of renewable energy to the country’s energy matrix Currently renewable energy sources are not yet developed in Zimbabwe. | Incentives to companies importing alternative energy sources so that they are affordable –Action by government Need to engage the private sector especially those with a high footprint to contribute to climate action Action by Dept of Climate Change ManagementNeed to engage other countries who have developed technologies to help reduce carbon footprint – Action to be initiated by Dept of Climate Change Management There is need to identify dedicated youths, train them and incentivise them to work Action by Dept of Climate Change, Forestry Commission There is need for awareness for all to understand how they impact on climate change and how climate change affect them in order to have meaningful reduction of carbon footprint Action by Min of MECTHI,Forestry Commission, EMA Issue of funding is necessary, hence, ensuring sustainable financing system is needed in the country Need to explore other energy sources to complement hydro- and coal powered energy.. Action by interested proponents, the private sector, the Climate Change Management Department and Ministry of Energy and Power Development There is need to engage countries like India who have advanced technologies Action by Ministry MECTHI |
Powering up Communities with Clean Energy (and Easy Financing) | A panel discussion focusing on rural communities gaining access to clean, affordable and reliable energy. | Enabling rural communities to get access to clean and affordable energy can greatly reduce deforestation and carbon dioxide emissions from fuel wood burning and the use of kerosene. In Malawi communities were enabled to purchase energy efficient cook stoves at subsidized prices. | The country is promoting the use of energy efficient cookstoves in rural communities, a case is in Rushinga, Mashonaland Central EMA and Forestry Commission are enforcing the reduction of deforestation and veld fires The country implements the National Tree Programme to promote conservation of forests and raise awareness on importance of forests in socioeconomic development. The Country if also developing the Forest Policy and amending the Forest Act to promote conservation and sustainable use of forests There are also efforts in the Tobacco industry and value chains of solar barns. Further, also we have seen more of timber plantations to ensure movement from indigenous trees to eucalyptus trees, e.g. Sustainable Afforestation Trust is promoting these | The country can mobilize funds from the Green Climate Funds to implement initiatives to power communities with clean energy; Education and awareness on the importance of forests, clean energy and technology enhances the adoption of clean energy by communities. – Action by Ministry of Energy, CCMD, Environment and Natural Resources Dept and other key partners Encourage the establishment of plantations and community woodlots – Action by Forestry Commission and the Environment and Natural Resources Department, Ministry of Agriculture Promote use of solar energy in rural communities – Action by Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Environment Encourage the finalisation of Forest Policy and the amendment of the Forest Act by second quarter 2022 – Action by Ministry of Environment Promote production of sawdust briquets from commercial plantations for use in tobacco curing. Action by Ministry of Environment and Allied Timbers |
Dignified Storytelling our Collective Future | Storytelling plays a central part in raising awareness of climate issues and inspiring us to find solutions. The focus was on youth poets who use their art to address the pressing environmental issues of our times. | There is need to work together to safeguard our collective futureSustainable environmental management practices and climate action can be disseminated through poetry and story-telling | Not much has been done on this aspect, however climate and environment information materials have been developed in different vernacular Derek Mpofu was appointed as the Green Ambassador and he has been doing well in disseminating information on green initiatives The Government has revised and improved the education curriculum at all levels to mainstream heritage-based education covering issues of environmental science and natural resource management | Appoint a climate/ environment ambassador who is an artist so that awareness is raised – a suggestion is to appoint Albert Nyathi as the Climate/ Environment ambassador – Action by Ministry of Environment (key departments) Promote environmental clubs and competitions, and environmental shows. Action by Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Ministry of Higher Education and partners |
A Green Recovery | A panel discussion bringing to light innovative solutions on reforestation and restoring the balance of nature. | Tree planting is key to attain carbon neutrality. The right tree should be planted at the right place. Monoculture plantations do not have the same ecosystem services as natural forests. | The country has been planting trees at a rate of about 10 million trees a year to restore forests and create new forests. However the rate of planting is not matching the rate at which trees are being lost. Zimbabwe has substantial forests covering 35% of the country and its greenhouse gas emissions are offset by forests. The country is on a tree-planting drive and designated the First Saturday of December as the National Tree Planting Day The culture of tree-growing is being planted among the entire populace of the country | Accelerate the rate of planting trees and ensure that the right trees are planted at the right places to restore balance. Action by Relevant Departments in the Ministry, Forestry Commission, EMA and partners. Every Saturday of the month should be a National Tree Planting Day not to wait for December – Action by Ministry of Environment and its Parastatals |
FICCI THEMATIC BUSINESS FORUM ON CLIMATE | The forum brought together high level speakers and dignitaries from Government, Business, Financial Institutions from different parts of the world who gave their key messages on climate action and ambition in the run-up to COP26 in Glasgow, United Kingdom. | There are now various forms of green energy available e,g water, wind, solar and even harvesting dew to make water; Production of hydrogen as an energy source is gaining ground One company was converting used cooking oil to biodiesel (they have a plant in South Africa and in other Asian countries); Private sector is ready to finance climate action but funders need a risk assessment to be done to help them in decision making to fund or not; Carbon markets are increasing as more and more companies want to offset their carbon footprint. For REDD+ proponents to come forward with projects, there is need for predictability of Carbon funds/prices. | Common source in Zimbabwe is solar but the technology is expensive for the common person Not much climate financing from the private sector Only one active REDD+ project in the country. An SI to inform setting up of REDD+ projects is under development by Forestry Commission Innovation hubs being developed at higher education institutions venturing in research and innovation in green energy REDD+ projects and interest growing in the country especially in protected areas under the Parks and Wildlife Estates, Forestry Commission and communal areas | There is need for diversified sources of green energy Action by Min of Energy and Min of Environment Need for private sector to reduce their footprint and provide finance to tree planting initiatives Action by MECTHI and Forestry Commission There is need to expedite the SI to be operational to enable more REDD+ projects to be set up Action by MECTHI and Forestry Commission Promote innovation in renewables in collaboration with innovation hubs. Action by Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Energy and Power Development, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and partners Promote REDD+ projects and transparency in the carbon markets. Action by Ministry of Environment, relevant parastatals and partners |
Women’s Pavilion Programme: Stories of Sustainability from the Arab and Muslim World | This session focused on the challenges of climate change, from antiquity to the 21st century, and through the lens of history, culture and the arts. It brought together female scientists, researchers and business leaders to help understand the role of the women in protecting the planet. | There is need for inclusion of women in high positions and meetings which deal with the climate as they were knowledgeable of plant species and were the worst hit by climate change; Women are responsible for fetching firewood and water and taking care of families and as such feel the climate change effects more than men and are therefore better placed to care for the environment; The moving away from fossil fuels was on-going and it was time that developing countries stop mourning to keep using coal. They had to look at their development using renewable green energy sources; There is need to provide alternative energy sources so that life is more comfortable for women as they are cleaner and healthier e.g solar compared to smoky firewood fires; and, There is need to provide education to females and expose them to development so that they are less marginalised/ become empowered. | The Bible and African religions also talk of environmental protection and Zimbabwe can gain ground if these aspects are focussed on during religious gatherings The number of women in high positions still low in Zimbabwe. Deliberate effort for their inclusion required Majority of households in rural areas use firewood and the trend is also increasing in urban areas. Charcoal use is also gaining ground in urban areas and chicken rearing ventures Similarly, women in Zimbabwe play an important role in searching for energy in rural communities. There has been some progress regarding alternatives for firewood as energy sources in Zimbabwe with some projects on biogas, rural electrification and liquid petroleum gas. | Public awareness of Climate change issues needed – Action by MECTHI Gender consideration required in all areas of operation – Action by Min of Gender Need for cleaner energy sources to reduce carbon emissions and health and safety of women and their households – Action by MECTHI and Forestry Commission Important to move from indigenous tree biomass for energy and explore other energy alternatives in the rural communities. Action led by various ministries with the Climate Change Department coordinating and involving relevant partners. Spatial planning of settlements to ensure sensitive ecosystems, e.g., wetlands, are not disturbed allows for provision of other essential services to rural communities. Action led by various Ministries with Ministry of Enviroment and Ministry of Local Government playing a coordinating roles and relevant partners. |
MNRE-FICCI Conference “Emerging Opportunities for Renewable Energy Sector Companies in a Global Context” | To enhance decarbonising and promote renewable energy use | Need to ensure round clock energy hence need a hybrid energy system. Solar, wind and biomass Decarbonise and replace with solar and other renewables solar in a phased approach Industry to step forward and facilitate the change from coal or fossil fuel to biomass. Thus, need targets to move forward, policy and regulations in regards to this Need several ministries to work together to ensure decarbonisation and venturing into renewables High job creation opportunities in biomass energy industry Co-learning opportunities for other developing countries from India India investors to consider moving to other countries where there are better financing systems Renewable energy and livelihoods need some connection for impact on livelihoods. Create incentives. Solar products are convenient for those not on grid, refrigerators and tv and other pumps, other domestic items Opportunity of taking India story outside, support chains and renewable energy and development to go hand in hand. India-Africa expansion in terms of solar Solar systems helps in resilience of individual farmers systems or households from climate power disasters due to climate change as other electricity infrastructure could be easily destroyed by hazards Investment into floating solar farms in water bodies | Renewable energy alternatives are being promoted in the country and solar farms are being established The Renewable Energy Policy and the Biofuels Policy are in place | Mobilise resources to scale up the adoption of renewable energy in the country. There is need to take advantage of established financial mechanisms – Action by Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Energy as well as the Private Sector Effective implementation of the energy-related policies is key – action by Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Environment |
Collaborate with Nature | A panel discussion focusing on the power of working with nature to find ways to safeguard our planet and our future | Ecosystems provide inspiration Nature is stronger than anyone else, is complex phenomenon and can help people it is important that humans connect with nature and have nature as a partner Need for innovation to save species Small things are important to teach people or change especially projects that demonstrate positive impact on nature Explore greening solutions in desert or dry areas as a way to decarbonise the atmosphere (climate mitigation), e.g., project on greening the Sahara desert (climate carbon plantation) People can learn from nature especially on ecological succession, e.g., mangrove ecosystems on how species collaborate from early pioneers to late successors Need to change or transform our interaction with nature from one that is harmful to nature to a win-win or win-neutral relationship. Hence, human behaviour change is a key component to focus on Relook at the issue of carbon in economic perspectives in an ecosystem approach Work on developing solutions to climate change and other nature related-issues and then advice governments to change laws | The country has awareness programmes to enable citizens to value and conserve biodiversity. Ecosystem approach has been adopted under the NBSAP as one of the strategies to ensure conservation of biodiversity. Nature based solutions to climate change need to be considered in the next NBSAP. Evaluation of the wildlife economy and its role in the nation is in progress. | Develop a Biodiversity Communication, Education and Awareness strategy to accelerate biodiversity education and awareness to bring about transformative changes to improve our relationship with nature and call for action from the whole of society. Integrate Nature Based Solutions approaches in the revised NBSAP- Action by Environment and Natural Resources and Climate Change Departments National biodiversity accounting is needed to ensure value of biodiversity is recognised and biodiversity mainstreaming across all sectors is enhanced. Action by Environment and Natural Resources and Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
Restoring Balance | This event explores sustainability and climate action, with a focus on restorative and regenerative solutions across sectors that produce environmental, social and economic benefits, and restore balance with nature. | There is need to promote development of sustainable communities Sustainability is about the economy and meeting the needs of present and future generations Carbon neutrality is better for our planet There is need to restore balance with ecology, architecture of the future Energy, resources and ecology are the most important aspects to restore balance There is need to balance energy systems (promote environmentally friendly energy systems and reduce use of coal), restore forests and maintain sustainable plantations In order to extend life cycle of buildings, there is need to use design materials/ products with a long life span There is need to take advantage of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) in infrastructure development. LEED is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. Available for virtually all building types, LEED provides a framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings. There is need to incorporate nature components in infrastructure development | Minimal consideration of biodiversity in architectural designing Need to plan or improve plans to move towards green human settlements Linear infrastructure to allow for animal movement corridors and reduce mortalities | Mainstream biodiversity in the construction sectors to ensure that biodiversity is considered at earliest stages of designing. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ministry of Local Government and relevant partners |
Conclusion and Recommendations
Expo 2020 Dubai was a great platform to share information and knowledge on climate change and resilience building; low carbon development initiatives; biodiversity conservation, forestry management initiatives; environmental management and sustainable use of wildlife resources. The Expo also offered an opportunity to enhance our systems for better environmental management. Countries came together with an idea of building a better world and shape the future. The Event was unique in connecting minds and creating the future though sustainability, mobility and opportunity.
Countries are doing a lot to champion sustainability and creating low carbon economies. Opportunities are being created for a better future and the country was inspired to do the same. A low carbon economy is possible in Zimbabwe, there is need to create smarter and better connections and make sure there is smarter movement of knowledge, ideas, goods and services. Countries are challenged to take collective and meaningful action to address the world’s most critical challenges and opportunities. New technologies and innovations were identified and the country can take advantage of such.
Further, the experiences in Dubai pointed to the need of effective implementation of plans and policies. Zimbabwe has quite a number of plans and policies but action is limited. Some of the recommendations for adoption are as follows:
- Adoption of renewable energy technologies is growing at global level, there is need to promote the technologies in the country and create employment in line with the National Development Strategy 1 and Vision 2030
- Worldwide there are calls to transition from fossil fuel-based transport systems to e-mobility. The country is finalising the development of an e-mobility framework which details the transition and adoption of e-mobility in the country. The country should learn from countries which successfully embraced e-mobility technologies
- In energising sustainability, the three pillars of social, economy and environment set the direction for progress. As a country, there is a need to adopt a resilient, low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive framework to address climate change, sustainability and the environment.
- There is a need to borrow lessons from the 10-10 Malaysian Science, Technology, Innovation and Economy (MySTIE) Framework. The framework integrates 10 key socio-economic drivers with 10 global leading science and technology drivers to provide a systematic approach and transform the country into a knowledge-intensive economy by design. In the Framework there are issues to do with Smart City driven by cutting edge technologies of the 21st century – 5G, Internet of things, artificial intelligence – which in turn support the transformation to a low carbon society
- ▪ The country should embrace a technology of making water out of air. There is a technology that harvests water from humidity in the air, the water will be fresh, bacteria free and portable. The technology is called Air0Water Technology. The water is free from contaminants such as pesticides and heavy metals present in the ground or the water supplied via age-old pipelines. The technology features an advanced water generation technology that conforms to all international water safety standards, providing people with the purest and safest form of drinking water.
- ▪ Valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services is critical in building a business case for biodiversity to enhance investment in biodiversity business, promote conservation and raise awareness. The Zimbabwe Biodiversity Economy projects provide an opportunity to build momentum in the valuation of Zimbabwe’s ecosystems.
- ▪ Deforestation data can now be gathered at lower costs therefore the country must avail this data on a regular basis to inform policy making and planning. Lessons can be drawn from the Mozambican experience.
- ▪ Biodiversity mainstreaming is essential in enhancing biodiversity action from the whole of government and society. The government should embark on a mainstreaming program that includes other sectors that have been overlooked before such as construction.
- Adoption of a circular Economy for repurposing of waste as a sustainable waste management approach leading to zero waste to landfill
- Institutionalise and mainstream the green economy in plans and programmes at national and sub-national levels.
- There is need to consider the aspect on mainstreaming biodiversity in project design, construction, as well as issue of spatial planning and mainstreaming biodiversity to reduce the unintended impacts on nature
- Need of sustainable financing system to allow for full implementation of environment projects and programmes
- The issue of crossing the silos is important in implementation of most of our plans and projects. Hope the devolution approach will effectively deal with this so that systems are harmonised.